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White Lies on Zoom? Think Twice: Discovering Weird AI Tools!

I wonder who's boss has installed it?

Strange but Fascinating AI Tools

Hey there!

If you thought AI was only for automating boring tasks, think again. We’ve uncovered some of the weirdest, most interesting AI tools that will leave you wondering, “Can AI really do that?” We’re also sharing the cutting-edge AI powered search engines you should consider utilising for strategy.

LiarLiar | AI Lie Detector & Heart Rate Monitor

Have a hard time trusting people on Zoom calls? LiarLiar detects lies and heart rate fluctuations during popular video call platforms, I wonder who’s boss has it installed already? Now you can always tell when someone’s bluffing! 😅

Obituary Writer  | Write a heartfelt obituary for your loved one, absolutely free.

Yes, you’ve read that right. This AI tool helps you craft thoughtful obituaries for loved ones. It's a bit morbid, but hey, we all need some assistance with difficult tasks sometimes.

The Dreamkeeper | Taking your dreams and creating art

An immersive experience for sure! Dreamkeeper takes you to your deepest imaginative state of mind, your dreams and then uses this to create atmospheric AI Art. The landing page alone is a win.

Hotcheck | Monitor Uncovering your allure

Curious about the potential virality of your social media photos? Hotcheck predicts how hot (literally) your post will be and how much attention it might get on Instagram. I’d like to say there’s more important things to focus on but I’m also guilty of trying it, check it out if you dare.

If you haven’t already browsed our website, go check it out! There’s over 5000 AI tools to explore, including the ones listed here today!

Since the introduction of AI, search engines have seen a shift least expected. You must have heard of Perplexity? If not, highly recommend it! Perplexity is an AI powered search engine providing more accurate and insightful answers to user intent, you can see more about this in our previous post. Well, this isn’t the only AI powered search engine carving their way, there’s many more and we can say for certain that they’re giving great insights.

Here’s a few worth trying out if you haven’t already:

A Mastermind of Reddit, allowing you to accumulate “audiences” which are essentially no size limit custom feeds. For example — below, I have accumulated most if not all of the communities relating to AI. The vast amount of people engaged in these audiences is a treasure trove of live information and Gummy Search actively monitors the key words, debates, niche topics, and more for you into one userface.

Screenshot of Gummy Search

It’s a great search engine for entrepreneurs, those curious to constantly learn, and those who are marketing new products. Gummy search highlights needs within each audience allowing you to pinpoint particular in-time topics of discussion involving uncertainty or a clear problem the community cannot currently solve. Therefore, allowing you to solve it. They have a freemium model but if you do decide to purchase a subscription then you can use our code:

Andisearch is highly focused on taking back what’s deserved, privacy. Andi creators clearly hold this value highly and were therefore, inspired to create a search engine that focused on providing what the actual user wants to see. Andi scans all corners of the web and accumulates trusted blogs and articles then accumulates their knowledge into a sound detailed and well researched answer to your intent.

Screenshot from Andi Search

Following this, Andi will then provide a combined overview of the content sourced and presents a deep answer to your question with references to back up everything. An OG of NextGen search engines, perplexity truly took over and gained respect quickly. Sharing an approach to the above, Perplexity will search and aggregate information relating to search queries from far and wide using in time AI searches. Then, combines them and answers your queries in depth, allowing you the opportunity to then question your answers and essentially have an accurate, well researched, advertisement free discussion with the information provided. Perplexity provides a great up-to-date RSS feed about AI innovations as well.

Newer to the game, the giga brain is another reddit focused search platform as well. Reddit hosts content about almost everything and with a search tool giving you the ability to deep dive, you can learn a lot, the information on there is often real, authentic, discoveries reflecting true user experience.

That’s exactly what The Giga Brain is about, to ensure a more streamlined and efficient way to discover gems amongst the vast millions of active users. They have other features also such as identifying particular experts on the platform to introduce your question to if there isn’t quite a clear answer to it already, and monetisation opportunities also. You should definitely check it out if you’re curious about AI search engines.

There’s many more as well!

At Z3FO.com our current listing of AI powered search engines covering a variety of user needs is currently at 364 so if you think Perplexity and those named here are good, there’s a lot more to explore.

A screenshot from the AI powered search tools section on Z3FO.com


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